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Click Here caregiver tapping the shoulder of patient in a wheelchair


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Click Here caregiver assisting patient in walking

Client Satisfaction SURVEY

We want to know about your experiences with Promedic Hospice. We hope we met your expectations. Rate our staff and services in this survey.
Click Here caregiver pushing the wheelchair of patient

Coverage AREAS

Promedic Hospice covers counties from Texas.
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Welcome to Promedic Hospice

Thank you for choosing Promedic Hospice. The diagnosis of a life limiting illness causes immeasurable emotional distress for patients and their loved ones. The pain and symptoms associated with such conditions can become unbearable, while decisions about care and treatment are often overwhelming and difficult to make.

Promedic Hospice provides hospice care and other related services to assist patients and families dealing with these special moments. The choice of hospice care is stressful. You may have received medical advice already from a doctor or one of our team members. In addition, the information we can give you will help you understand and choose the most appropriate healthcare in the case of a terminal illness.


caregiver and patient having a walk If you or a loved one as a terminal illness and you’ve exhausted all treatment options, you might want to consider hospice care. Find out how hospice care works and how it can provide comfort and support to you or your loved one, as well as your family and friends.

Our office is open to you 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. However, an on-call nurse will also be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Our phone number is 281-829-4303 which you can call to discuss what options are available to you or your family.

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