Insurance Accepted

Medicare Hospice Benefits

Medicare hospice benefits are available when you meet all of these conditions:
caregiver hugging black american patient

  • You’re eligible for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance);
  • Your doctor and the hospice medical director certify that you’re terminally ill and have 6 months or less to live if your illness runs its normal course;
  • You sign a statement choosing hospice care instead of other Medicare-covered benefits to treat your terminal illness (Medicare will still pay for covered benefits for any health problems that aren’t related to your terminal illness); and
  • You get care from a Medicare-approved hospice program.

The hospice benefit allows you and your family to stay together in the comfort of your home unless you need care in an inpatient facility. If the hospice team determines that you need inpatient care, the hospice team will make the arrangements for your stay.

IMPORTANT | Medicare will still pay for covered benefits for any health problems that aren’t related to your terminal illness, like care for an injury.

Certification for the Hospice Benefit

Your regular doctor (not a nurse practitioner that you’ve chosen to serve as your attending medical professional) and the hospice medical director can certify that you’re terminally ill and have 6 months or less to live.

What Medicare Covers

You can get a one-time only hospice consultation with a hospice medical director or hospice doctor to discuss your care options, pain, and management of your symptoms. You can get this one-time consultation if you decide not to get hospice care.

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